i always thought
i could walk alone
no hands to hold
no guides to follow
no roots to hold me up and bright
no fur to keep me warm and alright
i thought i was fine..just alone
leaving it all and going with the flow
i now realise...living ain't easy
when it just goes by
and thats how it is..when you ain't nearby
you keep me happy...you make me strong
you lift my spirits..you always sang a different song
and there right there...i saw the fur..the roots the hands..
and the guide to lead away
'cause you remind me...when i forget
and you find me..when i am lost..
the many laughs with others...
compare little with the few i had with you..
you were what i needed...
you were there...
Align Center

picture from deviantart : True Friendship by kimcats

girl: no!

guy: yes

girl: no..

guy: yes

girl: maybe..

guy: yes

girl: yes?

guy: yes..

girl: yes

guy: yes!

Its amazing how easily you can ignore things..pretend it doesn’t need to be taken care of..pretend its not important…or just pretend its invisible…that its not there…you spend hours and hours of your day watching the tv…or playing music…while you have a cv to be made…university applications to send out..classes to apply for…obligations…duties…responsibilies…but you just sit…infront of the tv…or staring at the ceiling…and just not think about any of the things you have to do…

Why? ‘cause you are scared ofcourse. You are afraid of what might happen if you do try…if you try to do the things others havn’t tried before…you are scared you might screw up…and end up a failure…so you just don’t want to start…’cause you never know until you try….and not knowing, just might save you from the sorrows…the failure…the unhappiness…

So, yeah, im scared…im scared to move on with my life…I’m scared that I’m not gonna be the person that I’m expected to be…the person I want to be…and trying and failing…it’s just not an option anymore…