What He Sees...

The words she wants to say remain unheard. And she continues, keeping her emotions at bay...Fearing a storm that might come…fearing the sea in which she might drown in...Fleeting with possibilities of a new era…a new dimension…a completely new point of view. Standing at the edge of this non-existence she feared for the choices that she had…one made her vulnerable and completely disarmed in front of a man that shades in colors that she had not seen in her life...a man completely oblivious to the fact that the woman before him is just another miserable soul, merely existing for the sake of existence…a woman of no pride, no future and no hope. A woman who had given up on life and had dealt with the cruelty of life years ago...her face says it all. Yet, the man stares at her face to see a flawless beauty...Filled with vivacity...an aura of purity…his queen of perfection kept high above on a pedestal so that no other can come close to her..